Cover Letter to intended CANDIDATES. Rev. 7/12/22
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Thank you for your interest in running for office as a candidate representing the Green Party of Hawai`i. We appreciate your interest in Green Party politics and would like to introduce you to the requirements for candidacy under the Green Party banner.
The grassroots members of the Green Party of Hawai`i have drawn up a standing, yet evolving platform that enumerates our party's basic principles and positions on many issues. We expect our candidates to represent these core values.
According to our Bylaws, persons who intend to run as Greens are:
- Required to be registered members of the party.
- Must abide by the Bylaws of the Green Party of Hawai`i.
- Must endorse the platform in principle.
- Must have their qualifications and candidacy reviewed and approved by a candidate selection committee.
Hawai'i State and County courts have confirmed our right to determine who our candidates will be. Recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings have also affirmed that the fundamental "right of free association" applies to a political party, and that members have the right to select candidates who run for political office under the party's banner.
Candidate applicants must submit an application and an affidavit for submission to the Committee. This information must be submitted no later than 30 days prior to the State's filing deadline to run for office. However, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible, preferably at least 60 days prior to the close of the filing deadline.
Prior to filling out the application, you need to go to the website to read the Green Party of Hawai'i Platform and Ten Key Values. We will be asking you to let us know your positions in relation to our platform.
The appropriate Committee will review the written information you have submitted, and arrange a personal interview and/or conference call to discuss any questions its members or you may have. After an internal vote, the Committee will submit a recommendation to the State Coordinating Committee. The Coordinating Committee will then make the final decision.
Thank you again for your interest in running for public office. We look forward to considering your application to run as a Green. We know submitting all the requested materials is time-consuming. But running a political campaign is a serious commitment, and we are striving to maintain a fair and objective process of review. We will make every effort to review your candidacy as soon as we receive your written materials, including your signed affidavit. Be sure to let us know how to contact you for arranging interviews.